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The solution

Realize a global synthesis of the ergonomics of all your workstations thanks to clear and complete automatic reports, then target the changes to be made to the post and validate them instantly with our real-time rating of musculoskeletal disorders. TMS Studio solution allows you to save and analyze workstations in your production environment, based on accurate capture of operator movements.    Learn more
The direct cost of MSDs are approximately $213 billion every year, in treatment and lost wages.
About 1 in 2 U.S. adults has a musculoskeletal disorder.
M days
That's the number of lost workdays due to back or neck pain.

The suit

The use of TMS Studio is made thanks to its comfortable and cordless suit, equipped with 17 sensors measuring the angulations of the limbs of the body, it allows a complete mobility and a total freedom of movements. This combination offers the advantage of having no limit of scope guaranteeing the integrity of the data captured. Each sensor is composed of a gyroscope, an accelerometer as well as a magnetometer (each on 3 axes), our data crossing algorithms reproduce each movement on the 3D avatar. TMS Studio technology to an accuracy of 0.02° and records data 60 times per second. Learn more

Our customers

The travel-case

The solution is delivered in its mobile and autonomous travel case, ready for use.

Can be used immediately in your production environment ( Sites, factories, offices ... ), the travel-box contains everything you need to capture on your sites.
The TMS Studio travel-case is composed of :

- 4 connected suits (Sizes S,M,L,XL)
- 17 Wi-Fi sensors
- 1 android tablet (for video recording)
- 1 laptop ready to use
- Shipped with hygienic suits
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Instantly export a complete summary of captured data, gain accuracy and considerable time in the ergonomic analysis of workstations. Produce a synthesis of many statistical indicators immediately provided (average, minimum, maximum, standard deviations, interquartile differences ...). Easy reading of the reports thanks to the complete colouring based on the ergonomic rules.    Learn more


Saves time and precision in order to significantly reduce occupational risks.
Improve your trainings upstream and validate the right gesture, in real time.
Produce a summary of the arduous tasks and identify possible improvements.
Create a new, optimized, ergonomic workstation the first time.
Adapt your human resources to the position (rotation, recovery time) and prevent work stoppages.
Regularly evaluate your production environment (monthly, annually) thanks to the speed of implementation.

Factory vr

Factory VR allows you to design and visualize your workstations in virtual reality.

Thanks to the integration and compatibility with TMS Studio real-time measurement, carry out your ergonomic studies and validate your workstations upstream.

Create scenarios directly in the immersive world, design the ideal workstation for both productivity and operators safety.
Main features:

- Direct CAD Import, the software takes care of everything
- Workstation design in virtual reality
- Design of advanced work scenarios
- Simulation of the workstation with consideration of MSD
- Change the position and validate productivity gains

Contact us

Please contact us to schedule a live demo, for any questions or quotes.

E-Mage-IN 3D
1 rue André Antoine
29570 Camaret-sur-mer
France +33 (0) 2 98 26 77 03